Thursday, September 10, 2015

Registration of Teesta's NGO suspended

The home ministry on Thursday suspended the registra tion of activ ist Teesta Se talvad's NGO Sabrang Trust under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, 2010, besides serving it a notice for cancellation of FCRA licence.
The grounds cited for freezing all foreign funding to the NGO include diversion of such funds to nonFCRA registered entities; using foreign contributions for purposes other than for which they were received, including for personal gains of Setalvad and her husband Javed Anand; utilization of over 50% of foreign funds received for administrative expenses and mixing its FCRA and domestic contributions, etc.
As reported first by TOI on Wednesday , the Union home ministry on Thursday suspended the FCRA licence of Sabrang Trust for a period of 180 days. A simultaneous notice for cancellation of the NGO's FCRA registration was served. The action follows an inspection of Sabrang Trust's records and accounts between April 9 and 11, based on which a report was made listing the FCRA violations detected. The report was shared with the NGO on June 5 and its comments received on June 25, which the MHA has “found unsatisfactory“.
“In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 13 of the FCRA 2010, the Central government has suspended the registration of Sabrang Trust...for a period of 180 days with effect from 10.09.2015,“ said the home ministry order while allowing the NGO to make a representation against the said order within 30 days of its receipt.

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