Tuesday, April 22, 2014

'Modi is a Teli-Ghanchi OBC': BJP

Reacting to political allegations by opponents that BJP's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi does not belong to Other Backward Classes (OBC) community, the Gujarat government and state BJP, in an official statement said Modi belongs to the "Teli-Ghanchi'' community which is one of the 146 communities classified as "Socially and Economically Backward Castes" (SEBC) or also known as OBCs, under Schedule 25-A of the Government of India.

The Gujarat government's spokesperson and state BJP in the statement said that according to the earlier Mandal Commission survey of Gujarat's OBC communities under schedule 91(A), "Modh-Ghanchi, Teli" caste is included in the OBC community by the Government of India's list of 105 OBC castes of Gujarat.

"Some opponents fearing defeat in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections are spreading lies about Narendra Modi's 'Modi' surname and OBC status. Modi belongs to OBC caste of 'Ghanchi-Teli', Gujarat Government spokesperson and the BJP said in the statement.

Surprisingly, BJP has not said anywhere exactly who is making these false allegations about Modi's OBC status.

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